Category: Ideas

Live Translator

Why not have a mobile app where one can live cast (audio or video) with someone who can translate! Can be especially handy for those traveling to a foreign land. The current translators require one to type the text and then receive a translation

Google Photo Tagging

As google provides a S3 style unique link to each photo if shared (and auto sharing of all photos can be enabled) a handle is available for development of additional features linked to the photo. For example for each link (photo), tags can be maintained separately. A meta-googlephotos site could show google photos with overlays of the tags.

[end] ֠everything after this shortcode is ignored (i.e. signatures). Make sure itӳ on its own line with a blank line above it.

Basic features that are missing in browsers

With advent of web2.0, the software world has rapidly changed. Native apps have become obsolete and everything works using a web interface. In fact, some computers (like Chrome OS based) are being designed purely for web browsing. The same is true for mobile and tablet platforms, the browser being a significant player with reports suggesting uses spend an average of 25% of their time on browsers.

There are a few features that are still missing browsers:

Switching: Normal apps can be easily switched using Ctrl-Tab

Auto association of file types